Old Jewish Cemetery – Dresden

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Dresden, Germany is located at Pulsnitzer Strasse 14, 01099 Dresden, Germany. You can find additional information about the cemetery at https://second.wiki/wiki/alter_jc3bcdischer_friedhof_dresden

The data for this data set comes from the online publication, “Medaon” which is downloadable at https://www.medaon.de/en/artikel/going-underground-burial-restitution-and-jewish-space-in-postwar-germany/

The pdf gives a comparison from three separate lists;

List A: Ergebnisse der vergleichenden Auswertung 2014 (Results of the comparative evaluation 2014)

List B: Verzeichnis Josua Schie 1852 (Directory done by Joshua Schie 1852)

List C: Ergebnisse Projektgruppe “Alter Jüdischer Friedhof” 2002 (Results of the project group “Old Jewish Cemetery” 2002) Donated by Alisa Katsman of the HaTikva Dresden (https://www.hatikva.de/english.htm) HATiKVA _ Since its founding in 1992, the Education and Meeting Centre for Jewish History and Culture in Saxony (HATiKVA) has worked to educate the public about Jewish history and culture in die present and past. After two years of intensive renovations, the offices of the ground floor of the Cooperative house at Pulsnitzer Street 10 were handed over to HATiKVA for public use. Since then, HATiKVA has developed into a cultural and educational institution whose interests and influence extend beyond the city`s boundaries. HATiKVA`s thematic concentration, the wide array of offerings, and in particular, the extracurricular education of youth in the state of Saxony are truly unique.

In order to give the most information, the JOWBR database was set up to find data from all three of the lists. Therefore, if a surname or given name was the same on more than 1 list, you will se ethe name repeated as often as it was found on all the lists. If you believe there are any discrepancies, we would suggest first downloading the original pdf to se ethe original data.

Translations from German to English was done for some of the columns, but not the entire Comments column. Google translate can be used to translate entries in that column.