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138 record(s) found for surname names starting with K

Description The first website devoted to the family tree of the MEYER (PERCHIK), ANKER,BIGOS,BIRGARDOVSKY (DAVIS),EDELBERG,HITE, KARMELEK, and PERLSTADT families. These families originated in Latvia via the Ukraine(EDELBERG) and the Ukraine (DAVIS, HITE, PERCHIK) and Poland (ANKER, BIGOS, KARMELEK (CARMEL), and PERLSTADT). Today's family members live in Argentina, Australia, Canada, England, France, Israel, Portugal, Russia and the US. It is possible that there may be family in Poland or the Ukraine. See if you can help solve some of our mysteries or recognize photos.

El primer sitio de Web dedicado al árbol familiar de las familias MEYER (PERCHIK) ANKER, BIGOS, BIRGADOVSKY (DAVIS) EDELBERG, HITE, KARMELEK, y PERLSTADT. Estos familias originaban de Latvia a través del Ucranio (DAVIS, HITE, PERCHIK) y Polonia (ANKER, BIGOS, KARMELEK (CARMEL) y PERLSTADT) Hoy en día los familiares viven en Argentina, Australia, Canadá, Inglaterra, Francia, Israel, Portugal, Rusia y en los EEUU. Es posible que pudiera haber familia en Polonia o Ucrania. Vea si puede ayudar a resolver algunos de estos misterios o reconocer fotos.

Surnames (Lista de apellidos): NONE/OTHER
(31) -(23) ?(66) ? Edelberg(1) ? m. Lenoff(1) ?Unknown m. Hite(1)
Abrahamawicz(1) Abrahamov(1) Abrahamow(2) Abrahamson(2) Abramow(1) Abramowitz(1) Adler(2) Agmon(3) Aird(4) Alessio(2) Alpern(3) Alpern (Married Name)(1) Amsterdam(1) Andrews(3) Anker(33) Anker (Married Surname)(1) Ankier(35) Ankier (married Surname)(1) Applebaum(1) Arbib(1) Ariav(11) Arnold(5) Aronson(16) Aronstamm(4) Asper(3) Asper (married Surname)(1) Asperstein(3)
B(1) Baboff?(1) Bailey(1) Balan(1) Barakan(1) Barenboim(4) Barlev(6) Barnett(1) Barol(2) Barringer(1) Baskin(2) Baum(25) Baum (Married Surname)(2) Beall(1) Becker(1) Beckman(17) Beebe(2) Beguin(1) Benkovitz(1) Berdicever(3) Bergonia(2) Berkowitz(1) Berliner(1) Bermont(1) Berney(3) Bernstein(3) Berry(1) Bertucci(2) Beyer(1) Beym(1) Biderman(1) Bigelow(2) Bigos(29) Bigos (married surname)(3) Bigos?(1) Bigos? Mayerowitz?(1) Billinkoff(7) Binman(2) Birgardovsky(5) Blair(2) Block(2) Blumenthal(1) Bogan(1) Bouchard(2) Bourke(1) Brackney(1) Brauer(80) Braun(3) Brawer(1) Bria(1) Briefer(2) Brinkley(2) Bromberg(1) Bronstein(2) Brothers(1) Broude(2) Brownstein(1) Bubb (Brauer)(1) Burkard(3) Burt(1) Burton(3) Bush(3) Bychkov(1) Byer(1)
Canaan(2) Carmel(19) Caspi(4) Castleman(1) Chait(1) Chajet (Hite)(2) Chanover(2) Chavez(1) Chayat(4) Chessler(1) Chlap(3) Cho(1) Christensen(10) Christiansen(7) Cirillo(1) Clark(3) Clawson(2) Claycomb(2) Cohelo(2) Cohen(3) Cohn(25) Cohn ? (Waltowitski?)(1) Cohrs(1) Colbert(1) Colburt(8) Combs(3) Cordeau(4) Courtman(1) Cozacov(10) Cramer(3) Crane(2) Cristin(1) Cytron(1) Cytronek(1)
Daniels(3) Davidi(1) Davis(15) Dawe(1) Dbeksler(1) Del Duca(1) Dery(1) Deussen(1) DiSabato(4) Dismond(1) Dolgaya(1) Drimer(34) Drimer (Married Surname)(1) Duarte(1) Dubin(3) Duim(3) Duniway(2) Durphee(1) Dushnik(1)
Eddy(3) Edelberg(200) Edelberg (Married Surname)(3) Edelberg (Married)(1) Edelberg-Davis(1) Eerdmans(1) Efraim(2) Ehrenberg(1) Eidelberg(11) Eisenberg(1) Eisenstat(2) Eisenstein(16) Eisner(1) Eldridge(1) Ellman(1) Elman(1) Elwyn(1) Emberton(1) Embon(1) Emdin(10) Empke(2) Emple(1) Engel(2) Engelberg(3) Engleberg(1) Esrubilsky(4) Esterson(3) Eulish(1) Evans(1)
Fabian(1) Fairbanks(1) Fales(1) Feder(1) Fefer(3) Feinberg(2) Feinsilber(4) Feinstein(1) Fellus(4) Ferber(1) Fernandez(3) Fine(2) Fishbein(2) Fitzgerald(1) Fitzpatrick(2) Fleischman(3) Flesler(1) Fodorn(1) Foss(1) Fox(1) Frank(2) Franklin(1) Fredmonsky(1) Friekin(1) Friver(3) Frohlich(3) Frym(3) Fulin(1) Furt(2)
Gaines(1) Garson(4) Gates(11) Gayshun(1) Gearty(1) Gefen(4) Geharzamov(2) Germaine(4) Gerson(1) Gerszanger(1) Gibb(1) Gil(1) Gilbert(4) Gill(1) Gillis(1) Ginsburg(1) Gluchman(1) Gold(3) Gold (married Surname)(1) Goldberg(10) Goldbrodkin(1) Goldfeld(5) Goldin(1) Goldman(6) Goldstein(5) Goldsztejn(1) Golovan(3) Gormsen(1) Gorsuch(3) Gottlieb(1) Grant(7) Graze(2) Green(1) Greenberg(2) Greenfield(1) Greentree(1) Greshin(4) Grinberg(8) Gross(6) Grossberg(3) Grossman(3) Guibord(4) Guillermo(3) Gumbert(1) Gurevitz(1) Gurfel(5) Guritzky(1) Gutman(1)
Haas(2) Haberlin(1) Hagood(1) Halbfinger(11) Halprin(4) Haraguchi(1) Harband(2) Harris(2) Harrison(2) Hartman(6) Hausman(1) Haydu(3) Hazan(4) Heilbrunn(4) Heisler(3) Helfant(3) Hemmingson(1) Henig(4) Herrick(2) Hershkow(1) Hershtein(2) Hible(1) Hirshfeld(2) Hirshson(4) Hite(1) Hochman(1) Hofberg(4) Holand(4) Hollander(1) Holliday(6) Holweger(4) Horowitz(1) Hosay(2) How(2) Hoyt(4) Huff(1) Hyde(1) Hyndman(2)
Indhow(1) Ingberg(1) Invernizzi(1) Isaacs(1) Isabella(3) Iterman(1) Itzhaky(1) Izraelson(1)
Jacob(4) Jacobs(3) Jacoby(1) Jasilionis(1) Jaworski(2) Jayson(5) Jochow(2) Jones(2) Joseph(2) Joyce(1)
K-(1) Kaden(1) Kafri(17) Kafri (Married Surname)(1) Kahn(15) Kalb(1) Kantor(1) Kaplan(15) Kaplan (Married Surname)(1) Karmel(7) Karmelek(29) Kart(23) Karzenngell(1) Kashy(2) Kassell(1) Kassover(1) Katz(3) Kaufman(5) Kelman(7) Kinley(1) Kinley (Zack)(2) Kiront(6) Kirschner(1) Kirshrot(13) Kisaiti(1) Klegon(1) Kleimer(1) Klein(7) Kleinfeld(7) Kleplis(1) Klubis(2) Knight(1) Kochavi(1) Kofsky(2) Kolodny(6) Kopsdorf(3) Koren(9) Koretz(1) Kotlar(1) Krashunski(11) Kundermann(1)
La Branche(1) Lamkay(3) Langer(1) Lanning(1) Lara(1) Larsen(1) Lasher(2) Lauer(6) Lawner(2) Learned(18) Learned (Married Surname)(1) Lehman(1) Leibel(5) Leight(1) Leiserson(1) Leitao(3) Lejtman(1) Lenoff(2) Levenstein(1) Levi(3) Levin(14) Levine(11) Levinson(5) Levinson?(1) Lewin(7) Lewin (Levine)(1) Liberman(1) Lieberman(1) Liebowitz(3) Lind(1) Lindblom(1) Lippman(3) Litvak(1) Lively(1) Longhitano(2) Lovejoy(1) Luloff(1)
Maas(1) Macias(1) MacIsaac(1) Maclev(8) Magrutsky(1) Maher(1) Mahler(6) Manaster(1) Mancuso(1) Mandel(9) Mandelbaum(5) Manishevitz(3) Mansfield(1) Marcher(4) Marder(2) Margalit(1) Mariam(1) married Name Bigos? Mayerowitz(1) Martin(1) Matlow(1) Matros(1) Mavansky(5) Mays(1) McAuliffe(1) McMillan(1) Meisels(2) Merlino(3) Merman(1) Messer(1) Metal(1) Metzger(1) Meyer(8) Meyers(19) Miller(1) Mitchell(1) Mizes(1) Molfino(1) Mor(3) Mortkova(1) Moses(1) Muller(1) Myers(2) Myron(2)
Nachum(1) Nadia(1) Nadler(1) Naftalin(1) Nagory(14) Nair-Ner(2) Name?(1) Nathan(1) Ned(3) Nedayachleb(2) Neiburg(1) Neiman(1) Neimark(1) Newton(3) Nezon(6) Nitzan(3) Nores(1) Norgart(4) Nuddle(3) Nurick(1) Nuta(11) Nuta (Married Surname)(1)
Oelnick(2) Oelnick (Married Surname)(1) Olins(1) Oro(3) Oshrin(16) Oslick(1)
Pagailis(1) Paskas(3) Passenstein(2) Patt(1) Pechenik(1) Peine(1) Penn(1) Pensler(7) Perchik(3) Perlman(5) Perlmutter(1) Perlstadt(59) Perlstadt (married Name)(2) Pesta(1) Philippous(1) Pilarski(3) Pinczew(1) Pittelman(1) Plager(1) Plunkett(7) Pohndorf(1) Poley(6) Posner(3) Powell(5) Powell\Mirsky(1) Pratt(1) Pres(1) Press(8) Probert(3) Putz(2)
Rabinovitch(1) Ramdhun(1) Rappaport(4) Rathbun(4) Ratner(1) Rawles(1) Regev(4) Rehaut(3) Reich(2) Reichgut(6) Reichtman(3) Reu(1) Ria(1) Rice(1) Rich(3) Riesman(1) Roberts(1) Robinson(3) Rocher(1) Rodriguez(1) Romanovsky(1) Rose(5) Rosedorf(2) Rosen(1) Rosenberg(5) Rosenthal(1) Rosenzuaig(1) Rosloff(5) Ross(1) Rowell(2) Rowland(1) Rozenblat(1) Rozin(5) Ruby(3)
Sagal(1) Sahl Edelberg(1) Sallens(1) Saltzberg(4) Salva(1) Salzman(1) Samuels(1) Samunow(2) Sato(1) Saville(1) Schaffman(2) Schclar(4) Schlamovitch(8) Schneider(9) Schriver(1) Schteingart(1) Schulman(8) Schulman (Married Surname)(1) Schultz(1) Schuster(5) Schvartzman(2) Schwarz(1) Segal(9) Selesky(1) Serebro(3) Sergey(2) Serlin(3) Serota(5) Shain(4) Shapira(2) Shapiro(4) Shapiro\Schapiro(1) Sharp(1) Shartit(5) Shenkman(2) Sherlin(1) Shidelko(3) Shkolnik(12) Shmuelovich(3) Shomsky(2) Shower(1) Shteinberg(1) Shucklin(3) Shugar(1) Shulman(1) Shure(1) Shuster(2) Siegel(2) Sieleky(1) Sigal(5) Sigelbaum(1) Sigelbaum (Kafri)(1) Silberman(5) Silver(11) Silverberg(3) Silverstein(2) Simboli(1) Simon(6) Simson(1) Sinicon(1) Slater(12) Slater (Married)(1) Sloan(2) Sloane(1) Slusky(6) Smithers(2) Sokolik(3) Solle(1) Solomon(9) Son?(2) Sonnenchein(1) Sonnenschein(1) Soreff(1) Sorenson(1) Spak(1) Spector(1) Spivak(5) Springer(2) Sprinkle(1) Sreb(6) Stawasz(1) Stearman(1) Stearns(2) Steifel(1) Stein(1) Stewart(3) Stiefel(1) Stolowitz(2) Stone(2) Stroh(1) Strugates(1) Struisner(1) Strusiner(1) Sultan(1) Sumbrand(1) Sussman(3) Symchov(1) Szpilbaum(2) Szterenlicht(4)
Tabachnick(4) Taiah(1) Tarnopolsky(4) Taylor(3) Tenenbaum(1) Tennenbaum(1) Tinsof(1) Tocatti(1) Torchinski(5) Trager(1) Trainer(1) Traster(5) Trenkle(3) Triquer(1) Tronquosa(1) Trupin(1) Trupp(3) Tsipser(2) Turner(3) Tzafi(2) Tzafi (Married Name)(1)
Uhlig(3) Ungarelli(1) Unknown(3) Unknown m Birgardovsky(1) Unknown M Fleischman(1) Unknown m Perchik(1) Unknown m Spivak(1) Unknown m. Ankier(1) Unknown M. Schlamvitch(1) Unkown,(1)
Vaanunu(1) Van Heist(1) Van Zant(1) Van-Noy(1) Vilensik(3) Villamayor(1) Villavicencio(1) Vinderman(1) Vishnevsky(2) Vockler(1) Volosin(10)
Wagner(15) Wainess(1) Waldowski(1) Walla(1) Walters(1) Warren(1) Wasserstrom(6) Watrobka(3) Wax(5) Weidner(1) Weinberg(2) Weinberger(2) Weinstein(3) Weintraub(6) Weiser(2) Wernicke(1) Weston(1) White(1) Whitehead(3) Winicour(3) Winicour (Married)(1) Wolf(5) Wolf ?(1) Wolfsdorf(2) Wolfson(1) Woloshin(1) Woloson(1) Woolson(1) Worms(2) Wright(1) Wyszterodny(2)
Yablonkov(1) Yaffe(2) Yaluns?(1) Yaniv(4) Yanovitan(1)
Zack(1) Zant(1) Zaragovia(4) Zeitlin(4) Zelichovski(1) Zer Zion(1) Zernone(1) ZerZion(1) Zer-Zion(3) Zilberberg(2) Zinkhan(5) Zion(1) Ziskin(1) Zlockover(1) Zohar(3)

Submitted bySarah L Meyer
Internet Page

Description KAGAN
Submitted byAmy Waldinger
Internet Page

Description Abraham KAGAN family from "Shenehava" (Shinvhoo? Sinlgovo? Shereshevo?) near Minsk, Belarus/Russia; came to New York 1900-1921; name changed to COHEN after that. Family mostly in NYC area until mid-1900s.
Submitted byArielle Masters
Internet Page

Description Descendants of Hyman Cohen & Golda Bohachok/Boranchuk/Bogachak [origin Mena, Russia],
to Boston on the SS
Saxonia, arriving on July 14, 1910.
The manifest of the SS Saxonia confirms family members with
names and (approximate) ages as follows:
Kagan, Herschel Chaim, 64, merchant
Kagan, Golde, 42, Hwife
Kagan, Beile (Bertha), 18, Dressmaker
Kagan, Nechame (Nellie), 16
Kagan, Faiwisch (Phillip), 15, Student
Kagan, Moische (Morris), 11, child
Kagan, Paie (Pauline), 7
Kagan, Morduch (Max), 6

Siblings [Max Cohen, Sadie Cohen Seligman, Rae Cohen Uretsky, Bertha Cohen Katzer [1891-1984], Phillip Cohen, Pauline Cohen Stern, Meyer Cohen, Morris Cohen, Max Cohen, Nellie Cohen, Rose Cohen Bordetsky. 3rd & 4th Generation Surnames include: Gottesmann, Beagle, Dennis, Snow, Pirkot, Haskins

Surnames on this genealogy file include:
Bachenheimer, Binder, Bordet, Bordetsky, Brown, Cain, Caplan, Cohen, Dallesio, Dennis, Doe, Erwin, Feldman, Geller, Goldman, Gorfine, Gottesmann, Haskin, Kagan, Johnson, Kahan, Kaplan, Katzeff, Katzer, Katzev, Katzew, Katzoff, Kilston, Kriesman, Lafargue, Laxer, Levine, Liberman, Miller, Palmer, Payasnick, Paysnick, Perry, Pessin, Pham, Pichel, Pirkot, Puopolo, Rapport, Sedlis, Selig, Seligman, Sesnovich, Silverman, Skoletsky, Slatoff, Sneierson, Snow, Stein, Stern, Therrien, Tipton, Travis, Uretsky, Widisky, Wilson.
Submitted byDaniel Katzer
Internet Page

Description Descendants of Zev Wolf Kahan, son of Rabbi Yehuda ben Yosef Kahan HaSfeikos of Sziget, Maramaros, Hungary. Zev Wolf lived in Kabola, a settlement west of Sziget.
Submitted byVivian Kahn
Internet Page

Description Surnames I connect to, at this point:

Ajzenberg, Amitay, Armoza, Asz, Baraff, Bekfeld, Bentkowski, Berenstein, Blank, Brandt, Cherszkowicz, Chouveke, Cukerman, Cukierkorn, Cytrin, Dawidow, Ejzenberg, Epelman, Erdberg, Falac, Faust, Feynzilber, Finkelsztejn, Fraifeld,
Fraiman, Francos, Fridlib, Frotmansdorf, Frydland, Frydrych, Fuks, Gapsmorten, Gitelman, Giverts, Goldberg, Goldsman, Grimberg, Grinblat,
Grojnem, Grynberg, Gun, Gutkind, Gutman, Gutmer,
Hardy, Hermansdorf, Jefroimowicz, Kahana, Kano,
Klar, Koifman, Kon, Kornberg, Krel, Krisczin, Langnas, Lazarovitz, Lebenmajer, Lewinsztejn,
Libeczka, Lichtensztejn, Lipman, Litvin, Majersdorf, Malamud, Mandelbaum, Miller, Mishkin,
Paretzky, Pasamonik, Pinto, Popowski, Privoritsky, Raidziwiller, Rajchman, Rivitzky,
Rostolder, Rotbard, Rotszyld, Rozenbach, Rozenfeld, Rozental, Rozmarin, Rubin, Rubinsztejn, Schechtman, Schwartzman, Shoikhet,
Shpergal, Skrobeck, Sochaczewski, Sommerfeld,
Swircz, Szczuciner, Szelter, Szlezinger, Szucziner, Tabachnik, Taub, Trachtenberg,
Traksbetryger, Tzipershteyn, Vainer, Vaynshteyn,
Ventland, Vurgait, Wainstein, Wajcman, Warszawski
Wasserman, Wierzbinska, Wolfisz, Wolfsdorf, Wrobel, Zajdenworen, Zilberbaum, Zilberman, Zommer, Zukerman
Submitted byAvraham Yehoshua Kahana
Internet Page

Description This website includes my own lines as well as some extended inlaw lines. The Kahlenberg/Kohlenberg family is an inlaw line.
Submitted byDixie Hansen
Internet Page

Description kahn family lithuania original name kreftsel.mother was gottesman great grandfather ignatz from munkatch hungary. fathers mother maiden name bartlestein. Mother's mother's maiden name abrahams changed at ellis I. from witovsky,originally from prussia.
Submitted bymurry kahn

Description Kaicener (Kaitzener - Riga, possibly rabbinical) , Epstein (Ilav of Tavyan - Taujenai). Krubelnik (Chelm)
Submitted byMichelle Kaicener
Internet Page

Description Kaidan family, possibly from Nikolayev. Aryeh Leib/Leo Kaidan was born in 1877. His father was Yona, his brother was Moisie. Moisie and Aryeh Leib/Leo came to the USA in the beginning of the 20th century.
Submitted byJanice kaidan
Internet Page family name.html

Description Kalafer, Kalafa family from Pomorzany area, Galicia
Submitted byH Gershon
Internet Page

Description This is the family tree of Kalman Tabatchnik from Dobova in Ukraine and the Berdichevskys (Bernstein) from the Ukraine. The families lived in Odessa before moving to Palestine
Submitted byZohar Levitan
Internet Page

Description Romania, Bucharest, Birlad, Calmanovici, Mihalovici
Submitted byRozalia Calmanovici, Shoshana Kalmanovitz
Internet Page

Description Kalmanowitz family from Lodz, Poland
Submitted byH Gershon
Internet Page

Description The Kalmikoff (Kalmykov) Family from Shklov, Belarus
Submitted byScott Kalmikoff
Internet Page

Description Website for all Kalters from the former Austro-Hungarian province of Galicia, including many from the towns of Lancut, Rzeszow, Sambor, Chodorow, Rohatyn, Przemysl, Sokolow Malopolski, and Dubiecko. Surnames mentioned on the site include:

Abadi, Abrahams, Abramowitz, Ackerman, Adler, Aflalo, Afromowitz, Amster, Anahi, Anysz, Apfelbaum, Arena, Arm, Aufrichtig, Avihod, Azizollahoff, Azoulai, Bacher, Bachmann, Bader, Ball, Balzam, Banner, Barak, Barasch, Barnett, Barth, Bartnick, Basseches, Batoff, Baum, Bear, Beghin, Beitel, Belz, Ben Hilel, Benor-Kalter, Berenstein, Berg, Berger, Berigosky, Berlin, Berman, Biegeleisen, Bindefeld, Blass, Blazer, Bleichenfeld, Blesofsky, Bloch, Blumenreikh, Boder, Bohrer, Bombach, Bortniker, Bosman, Brand, Brans, Braucher, Braun, Braunstein, Breier, Briansky, Bright, Brissman, Brodye, Bronner, Bruh, Bund, Burns, Bussgang, Cavalli, Censor, Ceret, Chaplick, Chestman, Chinkis, Clark, Clauser, Coffee, Cohen, Cohn, Collins, Cooper, Crombez, Dahan, Davis, Deigh, Denn, DeWitt, Diamand, Diamant, Diamond, Diaz, Dickholtz, DiPolito, Dorrance, Dranicke, Drebin, Drobner, Eckstein, Edelson, Edelstein, Ehrlich, Eichel, Eichner, Eidelsheim, Eisenberg, Eisenstein, Eiss, Elichai, Etzioni, Eule, Fajewicz, Fanstill, Farkash, Fass, Fechilrot, Feder, Fejne, Felber, Ferber, Ferrara, Feuer, Fieldman, Fink, Fischman, Fischer, Fishkind, Fiskus, Fitzgerald, Fluecker, Fluhr, Fogel, Foote, Fraenkel, Frankel, Frankfort, Frankfurter, Freedman, Frenkel, Freudenberger, Friedland, Friedman, Friedmann, Frommer, Fromovich, Fromovitz, Fuchfeld, Fullman, Fuss, Gal, Gans, Gasparovic, Geber, Gellert, Gershman, Gerst, Gerstenheim, Gillain, Ginat, Ginsbourg, Glanzer, Glass, Glescher, Glick, Goldberg, Goldin, Goldman, Goldmann, Goldstein, Goldworm, Goodman, Gordel, Grad, Grassman, Green, Greenberg, Greenblatt, Gross, Grossmann, Grumet, Grund, Gruenbaum, Guranowsky, Gurfein, Guter, Gutter, Gutwein, Gutwein, Haimovitz, Halberstam, Haler, Halper, Handler, Hansel, Harlap, Harris, Harvis, Hausner, Havkin, Hecht, Heffner, Helfgott, Heller, Henstem, Herch, Hill, Hillinger, Hirschhorn, Hoch, Hochdorf, Holzapfel, Honigwachs, Hopff, Horowitz, Hosley, Hudes, Hunter, Hyatt, Irom, Jaffe, Jahre, Jakubowski, Jam, Jare, Jochnowitz, Joseph, Kahane, Kahn, Kaldor, Kalter, Kaminsky, Kampf, Kapel, Karan, Katc, Katz, Katzenstein, Kaufman, Kaufmann, Kaye, Keselman, Kirschner, Kiselstein, Klearsfeld, Klein, Kleinberg, Kleiner, Kleinhandler, Kleinhaus, Kleinwaks, Kloss, Klugman, Kneller, Knoller, Koenig, Koren, Korn, Kotek, Koth, Kovarsky, Kramarsh, Kraus, Kreibach, Krepes, Krigsner, Kruger, Kubersky, Kubert, Kurtzer, Kurz, Koerner, Landa, Landau, Landerer, Langsam, Larrieu, Lazarus, Leben, Lebovic, Lefler, Leibovici, Leifer, Lemom, Levin, Levine, Levinstein, Levitansky, Lezotte, Lieberman, Linsky, Liz, Low, Lowenthal, Lubet, Ludmir, Loebl, Madnick, Malter, Mamroth, Man, Manor, Marcus, Marcuse, Marder, Margenheim, Margolin, Marshall, Mashinksy, Mass, Mayer, McDowal, Mechel, Mehr, Meiri, Melber, Melberg, Meller, Meth, Meyer, Meyuchas, Migden, Mintz, Montag, Monteney, Morag, Morgenshtern, Mossoff, Motzen, Nadel, Nahumov, Nasan, Neibaum, Nelson, Neray, Neuman, Nippo, Nordlicht, Nuermberger, Nussbaum, Ogintz, Ohlbaum, Ohrenstein, Orbach, Orenstein, Ostroff, Parnes, Pasternak, Payton, Pearl, Peckel, Perl, Persson, Posnerson, Post, Potash, Prager, Prasil, Presser, Prince, Raab, Rabinowitz, Rager, Ramirez, Raps, Ratzam, Rauch, Reiber, Reich, Reicher, Reichley, Reichstein, Rein, Reisen, Reiser, Reisner, Reitmann, Replanski, Ritter, Roberts, Ropper, Rosemberg, Rosen, Rosenbaum, Rosenberg, Rosenblueth, Rosencovich, , Rosenfeld, Rosengarten, Rosenman, Roshi, Rosner, Ross, Roth, Rothstein, Rottenberg, Rubenfeld, Rubin, Rubinfeld, Rumstein, Rutfield, Sabag, Saber, Sabludowsky, Sachnowitz, Sachs, Sacks, Saebel, Saffer, Salomon, Salzberg, Salzman, Schachter, Schachter-Graf, Schaffer, Schein, Scheiner, Scheinert, Schenkar, Schick, Schickler, Schiff, Schloss, Schneeweiss, Schnur, Schon, Schor, Schreiber, Schribman, Schroeder, Schulevski, Schulman, Schupper, Schwartz, Schwartzmann, Segal, Segev, Seidman, Seitelbach, Senz, Setner, Shannon, Shapira, Sharp, Shechnizer, Shoshani, Shpitzer, Siegel, Sietz, Silber, Silberman, Silberstein, Simon, Singer, Sitzma, Sledzick, Slipacoff, Smidt, Smith, Smuss, Snyder, Sommer, Sonenblick, Spector, Spira, Sprung, Staford, Steinhauser, Stelzer, Stemmer, Steppel, Stern, Strum, Strumwasser, Stoelzer, Swertlow, Swieczynska, Szwarc, Szydlo, Taler, Talmud, Tandet, Tartatsky, Tayar, Teitelbaum, Teitelman, Tenenbaum, Tsemah, Tsubery, Tuchman, Tunander, Turk, Twain, Tygier, Unger, Unschuld, Unsdorfer, Urbach, Van Meckeren, Vanbesien, Vaserlouf, Vasser, Veltcher, Verbeeck, Verstein, Viloznee, Vogel, Wacholder, Wachsman, Wachtel, Wald, Wang, Waserlouf, Weber, Weg, Weider, Wein, Weinberg, Weinstein, Weintraub, Weisengruen, Weiss, Weissbart, Weissman, Weitz, Weller, Weltz, Werner, Wiener, Wild, Wilf, Wilson, , Wincelberg, Wizenfeld, Wolff, Wolkenfeld, Wulfson, Yarger, Yelen, Yemma, Young, Zaidman, Zanoni, Zayats, Zelinger, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zoota, Zupnick, Zweibel, Zwillich
Submitted byLogan Kleinwaks
Internet Page

Description Over 250 descendants tracing 8 generations of the Kamins of Vladimirets, Ukraine. Henoch father of Menashe father of Shlomo father of Ephraim who was married to Shifra, their children were Louis, Sam, Lifsha, Pinchus, Sussel, Sylvia, and Menashe (Kahane)
Submitted byLori Motola
Internet Page http://WWW.MOTOLA.COM

Description Our ancestral lines from Poland, Lithuania and Prussia/Germany are Kaminsky, Holdstein, Eger, Lande, Levy and Lehmann. From Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic are Pollak, Grunhut, Blau, Porges and Levioli. Mostly from Baden-Wurttemberg and Hessen in Germany are Lindauer, Liebmann, Wormser, Hayum, Flegenheimer, Dreifuss, Mannheimer, Freund, Maier, Marx, Rosenbusch, Katz, Strauss, Bernhard, Lowenstein and Lenneberg.
Submitted byFred Kaminsky
Internet Page

Description The KAMPEL Family WorldWide Online!
Towns: Slupia Nowa, Ostrowiec, Scaryshev, Radom, Przytik, Lwow/Lemberg, Warsaw, Brest Litovsk.
*Visit our website at
*Visit the 'Stiftelse KAMPEL Foundation' at

Submitted byMario Kampel
Internet Page

Description Dutch family (Achterhoek)
Is a part of Family Trees of Dutch Jewish Families with more than 65.000 people.
Submitted byMax van Dam
Internet Page

Description Family website of Nanci and Allan Garon:
Trees and photos for the following families:
Kaner, Karon, Garon, Lieberman, Horwitz, Kremen, Hertz, Poster.
Submitted byAllan Garon
Internet Page

Description Dutch Jewish Geneology
Submitted byLevie Kanes
Internet Page

Description Dutch family.
Is a part of Family Trees of Dutch Jewish Families with more than 65.000 people.
Submitted byMax van Dam
Internet Page

Internet Page

Description Akaki Kapanadze.
Birth place : Georgia,Sachkhere,merjevi
Internet Page

Description A family tree of the Kaplans and Bradebords from Nemunaitis, the Harris' (Yarushevsky's) from Berdichev, the Sissitskys from Butrimonys and their descendants.
Submitted byIan Singer
Internet Page

Description Searching for ancestors and information about Chaim(Hyman) Kaplan and his wife Molly who came to the United States from Lepel, Vitebsk, Belarus. Hyman also stated that he lived in Ekaterinoslav (Dnipropetrovsk) before immigrating to New York (1904-SS New York out of Southampton). Mary moved with Feiwe (Frank), Nachama (Anna), David, Salman (Jacob). They arrived in 1905 on the Pennsylvania (from Hamburg). All settled in New York. Hyman and Mary later had three other children Benjamin, Lillian and Irving. Other family names include: Swiss and Malkman.
Submitted byBeri Schwitzer

Description Kovno
Submitted byFrank Goldsmith

Description Kaplan & Metter Family, cousins immigrated from Russia (Minsk(Koszylowce) 1902 and 1904.
Submitted byDorothy Kaplan
Internet Page

Description Part of Our Diaspora family tree is a collection all descendants of Tzal Kaplun born around 1840 on Volhyinia,Ukraine.
Submitted byMichael Levin
Internet Page

Description from Zhaskov, Ukraine in early 1900's to USA/Canada/South America
would love to hear from anyone with similar connections
or information
Submitted byNancy Gore
Internet Page

Description Also Karashinsky originally from Chomsk, in what was Belarus. Khomsk (or Xomsk) is in Kobrin uezd (district) in Grodno gubernia.
Submitted byIan Tresman
Internet Page

Description KARGER - SHINDELMAN family from Lyubar, Ukraine circa <1798-1941. Includes news about current family, hundreds of photos, travel to the ancestral shtetl, and family tree. Other prominent surnames include GURALNICK, GENICK, FORMAN, SPIEGEL.
Submitted byEllen Shindelman Kowitt
Internet Page

Description The first website devoted to the family tree of the MEYER (PERCHIK), ANKER,BIGOS,BIRGARDOVSKY (DAVIS),EDELBERG,HITE, KARMELEK, and PERLSTADT families. These families originated in Latvia via the Ukraine(EDELBERG) and the Ukraine (DAVIS, HITE, PERCHIK) and Poland (ANKER, BIGOS, KARMELEK (CARMEL), and PERLSTADT). Today's family members live in Argentina, Australia, Canada, England, France, Israel, Portugal, Russia and the US. It is possible that there may be family in Poland or the Ukraine. See if you can help solve some of our mysteries or recognize photos.

El primer sitio de Web dedicado al árbol familiar de las familias MEYER (PERCHIK) ANKER, BIGOS, BIRGADOVSKY (DAVIS) EDELBERG, HITE, KARMELEK, y PERLSTADT. Estos familias originaban de Latvia a través del Ucranio (DAVIS, HITE, PERCHIK) y Polonia (ANKER, BIGOS, KARMELEK (CARMEL) y PERLSTADT) Hoy en día los familiares viven en Argentina, Australia, Canadá, Inglaterra, Francia, Israel, Portugal, Rusia y en los EEUU. Es posible que pudiera haber familia en Polonia o Ucrania. Vea si puede ayudar a resolver algunos de estos misterios o reconocer fotos.

Surnames (Lista de apellidos): NONE/OTHER
(31) -(23) ?(66) ? Edelberg(1) ? m. Lenoff(1) ?Unknown m. Hite(1)
Abrahamawicz(1) Abrahamov(1) Abrahamow(2) Abrahamson(2) Abramow(1) Abramowitz(1) Adler(2) Agmon(3) Aird(4) Alessio(2) Alpern(3) Alpern (Married Name)(1) Amsterdam(1) Andrews(3) Anker(33) Anker (Married Surname)(1) Ankier(35) Ankier (married Surname)(1) Applebaum(1) Arbib(1) Ariav(11) Arnold(5) Aronson(16) Aronstamm(4) Asper(3) Asper (married Surname)(1) Asperstein(3)
B(1) Baboff?(1) Bailey(1) Balan(1) Barakan(1) Barenboim(4) Barlev(6) Barnett(1) Barol(2) Barringer(1) Baskin(2) Baum(25) Baum (Married Surname)(2) Beall(1) Becker(1) Beckman(17) Beebe(2) Beguin(1) Benkovitz(1) Berdicever(3) Bergonia(2) Berkowitz(1) Berliner(1) Bermont(1) Berney(3) Bernstein(3) Berry(1) Bertucci(2) Beyer(1) Beym(1) Biderman(1) Bigelow(2) Bigos(29) Bigos (married surname)(3) Bigos?(1) Bigos? Mayerowitz?(1) Billinkoff(7) Binman(2) Birgardovsky(5) Blair(2) Block(2) Blumenthal(1) Bogan(1) Bouchard(2) Bourke(1) Brackney(1) Brauer(80) Braun(3) Brawer(1) Bria(1) Briefer(2) Brinkley(2) Bromberg(1) Bronstein(2) Brothers(1) Broude(2) Brownstein(1) Bubb (Brauer)(1) Burkard(3) Burt(1) Burton(3) Bush(3) Bychkov(1) Byer(1)
Canaan(2) Carmel(19) Caspi(4) Castleman(1) Chait(1) Chajet (Hite)(2) Chanover(2) Chavez(1) Chayat(4) Chessler(1) Chlap(3) Cho(1) Christensen(10) Christiansen(7) Cirillo(1) Clark(3) Clawson(2) Claycomb(2) Cohelo(2) Cohen(3) Cohn(25) Cohn ? (Waltowitski?)(1) Cohrs(1) Colbert(1) Colburt(8) Combs(3) Cordeau(4) Courtman(1) Cozacov(10) Cramer(3) Crane(2) Cristin(1) Cytron(1) Cytronek(1)
Daniels(3) Davidi(1) Davis(15) Dawe(1) Dbeksler(1) Del Duca(1) Dery(1) Deussen(1) DiSabato(4) Dismond(1) Dolgaya(1) Drimer(34) Drimer (Married Surname)(1) Duarte(1) Dubin(3) Duim(3) Duniway(2) Durphee(1) Dushnik(1)
Eddy(3) Edelberg(200) Edelberg (Married Surname)(3) Edelberg (Married)(1) Edelberg-Davis(1) Eerdmans(1) Efraim(2) Ehrenberg(1) Eidelberg(11) Eisenberg(1) Eisenstat(2) Eisenstein(16) Eisner(1) Eldridge(1) Ellman(1) Elman(1) Elwyn(1) Emberton(1) Embon(1) Emdin(10) Empke(2) Emple(1) Engel(2) Engelberg(3) Engleberg(1) Esrubilsky(4) Esterson(3) Eulish(1) Evans(1)
Fabian(1) Fairbanks(1) Fales(1) Feder(1) Fefer(3) Feinberg(2) Feinsilber(4) Feinstein(1) Fellus(4) Ferber(1) Fernandez(3) Fine(2) Fishbein(2) Fitzgerald(1) Fitzpatrick(2) Fleischman(3) Flesler(1) Fodorn(1) Foss(1) Fox(1) Frank(2) Franklin(1) Fredmonsky(1) Friekin(1) Friver(3) Frohlich(3) Frym(3) Fulin(1) Furt(2)
Gaines(1) Garson(4) Gates(11) Gayshun(1) Gearty(1) Gefen(4) Geharzamov(2) Germaine(4) Gerson(1) Gerszanger(1) Gibb(1) Gil(1) Gilbert(4) Gill(1) Gillis(1) Ginsburg(1) Gluchman(1) Gold(3) Gold (married Surname)(1) Goldberg(10) Goldbrodkin(1) Goldfeld(5) Goldin(1) Goldman(6) Goldstein(5) Goldsztejn(1) Golovan(3) Gormsen(1) Gorsuch(3) Gottlieb(1) Grant(7) Graze(2) Green(1) Greenberg(2) Greenfield(1) Greentree(1) Greshin(4) Grinberg(8) Gross(6) Grossberg(3) Grossman(3) Guibord(4) Guillermo(3) Gumbert(1) Gurevitz(1) Gurfel(5) Guritzky(1) Gutman(1)
Haas(2) Haberlin(1) Hagood(1) Halbfinger(11) Halprin(4) Haraguchi(1) Harband(2) Harris(2) Harrison(2) Hartman(6) Hausman(1) Haydu(3) Hazan(4) Heilbrunn(4) Heisler(3) Helfant(3) Hemmingson(1) Henig(4) Herrick(2) Hershkow(1) Hershtein(2) Hible(1) Hirshfeld(2) Hirshson(4) Hite(1) Hochman(1) Hofberg(4) Holand(4) Hollander(1) Holliday(6) Holweger(4) Horowitz(1) Hosay(2) How(2) Hoyt(4) Huff(1) Hyde(1) Hyndman(2)
Indhow(1) Ingberg(1) Invernizzi(1) Isaacs(1) Isabella(3) Iterman(1) Itzhaky(1) Izraelson(1)
Jacob(4) Jacobs(3) Jacoby(1) Jasilionis(1) Jaworski(2) Jayson(5) Jochow(2) Jones(2) Joseph(2) Joyce(1)
K-(1) Kaden(1) Kafri(17) Kafri (Married Surname)(1) Kahn(15) Kalb(1) Kantor(1) Kaplan(15) Kaplan (Married Surname)(1) Karmel(7) Karmelek(29) Kart(23) Karzenngell(1) Kashy(2) Kassell(1) Kassover(1) Katz(3) Kaufman(5) Kelman(7) Kinley(1) Kinley (Zack)(2) Kiront(6) Kirschner(1) Kirshrot(13) Kisaiti(1) Klegon(1) Kleimer(1) Klein(7) Kleinfeld(7) Kleplis(1) Klubis(2) Knight(1) Kochavi(1) Kofsky(2) Kolodny(6) Kopsdorf(3) Koren(9) Koretz(1) Kotlar(1) Krashunski(11) Kundermann(1)
La Branche(1) Lamkay(3) Langer(1) Lanning(1) Lara(1) Larsen(1) Lasher(2) Lauer(6) Lawner(2) Learned(18) Learned (Married Surname)(1) Lehman(1) Leibel(5) Leight(1) Leiserson(1) Leitao(3) Lejtman(1) Lenoff(2) Levenstein(1) Levi(3) Levin(14) Levine(11) Levinson(5) Levinson?(1) Lewin(7) Lewin (Levine)(1) Liberman(1) Lieberman(1) Liebowitz(3) Lind(1) Lindblom(1) Lippman(3) Litvak(1) Lively(1) Longhitano(2) Lovejoy(1) Luloff(1)
Maas(1) Macias(1) MacIsaac(1) Maclev(8) Magrutsky(1) Maher(1) Mahler(6) Manaster(1) Mancuso(1) Mandel(9) Mandelbaum(5) Manishevitz(3) Mansfield(1) Marcher(4) Marder(2) Margalit(1) Mariam(1) married Name Bigos? Mayerowitz(1) Martin(1) Matlow(1) Matros(1) Mavansky(5) Mays(1) McAuliffe(1) McMillan(1) Meisels(2) Merlino(3) Merman(1) Messer(1) Metal(1) Metzger(1) Meyer(8) Meyers(19) Miller(1) Mitchell(1) Mizes(1) Molfino(1) Mor(3) Mortkova(1) Moses(1) Muller(1) Myers(2) Myron(2)
Nachum(1) Nadia(1) Nadler(1) Naftalin(1) Nagory(14) Nair-Ner(2) Name?(1) Nathan(1) Ned(3) Nedayachleb(2) Neiburg(1) Neiman(1) Neimark(1) Newton(3) Nezon(6) Nitzan(3) Nores(1) Norgart(4) Nuddle(3) Nurick(1) Nuta(11) Nuta (Married Surname)(1)
Oelnick(2) Oelnick (Married Surname)(1) Olins(1) Oro(3) Oshrin(16) Oslick(1)
Pagailis(1) Paskas(3) Passenstein(2) Patt(1) Pechenik(1) Peine(1) Penn(1) Pensler(7) Perchik(3) Perlman(5) Perlmutter(1) Perlstadt(59) Perlstadt (married Name)(2) Pesta(1) Philippous(1) Pilarski(3) Pinczew(1) Pittelman(1) Plager(1) Plunkett(7) Pohndorf(1) Poley(6) Posner(3) Powell(5) Powell\Mirsky(1) Pratt(1) Pres(1) Press(8) Probert(3) Putz(2)
Rabinovitch(1) Ramdhun(1) Rappaport(4) Rathbun(4) Ratner(1) Rawles(1) Regev(4) Rehaut(3) Reich(2) Reichgut(6) Reichtman(3) Reu(1) Ria(1) Rice(1) Rich(3) Riesman(1) Roberts(1) Robinson(3) Rocher(1) Rodriguez(1) Romanovsky(1) Rose(5) Rosedorf(2) Rosen(1) Rosenberg(5) Rosenthal(1) Rosenzuaig(1) Rosloff(5) Ross(1) Rowell(2) Rowland(1) Rozenblat(1) Rozin(5) Ruby(3)
Sagal(1) Sahl Edelberg(1) Sallens(1) Saltzberg(4) Salva(1) Salzman(1) Samuels(1) Samunow(2) Sato(1) Saville(1) Schaffman(2) Schclar(4) Schlamovitch(8) Schneider(9) Schriver(1) Schteingart(1) Schulman(8) Schulman (Married Surname)(1) Schultz(1) Schuster(5) Schvartzman(2) Schwarz(1) Segal(9) Selesky(1) Serebro(3) Sergey(2) Serlin(3) Serota(5) Shain(4) Shapira(2) Shapiro(4) Shapiro\Schapiro(1) Sharp(1) Shartit(5) Shenkman(2) Sherlin(1) Shidelko(3) Shkolnik(12) Shmuelovich(3) Shomsky(2) Shower(1) Shteinberg(1) Shucklin(3) Shugar(1) Shulman(1) Shure(1) Shuster(2) Siegel(2) Sieleky(1) Sigal(5) Sigelbaum(1) Sigelbaum (Kafri)(1) Silberman(5) Silver(11) Silverberg(3) Silverstein(2) Simboli(1) Simon(6) Simson(1) Sinicon(1) Slater(12) Slater (Married)(1) Sloan(2) Sloane(1) Slusky(6) Smithers(2) Sokolik(3) Solle(1) Solomon(9) Son?(2) Sonnenchein(1) Sonnenschein(1) Soreff(1) Sorenson(1) Spak(1) Spector(1) Spivak(5) Springer(2) Sprinkle(1) Sreb(6) Stawasz(1) Stearman(1) Stearns(2) Steifel(1) Stein(1) Stewart(3) Stiefel(1) Stolowitz(2) Stone(2) Stroh(1) Strugates(1) Struisner(1) Strusiner(1) Sultan(1) Sumbrand(1) Sussman(3) Symchov(1) Szpilbaum(2) Szterenlicht(4)
Tabachnick(4) Taiah(1) Tarnopolsky(4) Taylor(3) Tenenbaum(1) Tennenbaum(1) Tinsof(1) Tocatti(1) Torchinski(5) Trager(1) Trainer(1) Traster(5) Trenkle(3) Triquer(1) Tronquosa(1) Trupin(1) Trupp(3) Tsipser(2) Turner(3) Tzafi(2) Tzafi (Married Name)(1)
Uhlig(3) Ungarelli(1) Unknown(3) Unknown m Birgardovsky(1) Unknown M Fleischman(1) Unknown m Perchik(1) Unknown m Spivak(1) Unknown m. Ankier(1) Unknown M. Schlamvitch(1) Unkown,(1)
Vaanunu(1) Van Heist(1) Van Zant(1) Van-Noy(1) Vilensik(3) Villamayor(1) Villavicencio(1) Vinderman(1) Vishnevsky(2) Vockler(1) Volosin(10)
Wagner(15) Wainess(1) Waldowski(1) Walla(1) Walters(1) Warren(1) Wasserstrom(6) Watrobka(3) Wax(5) Weidner(1) Weinberg(2) Weinberger(2) Weinstein(3) Weintraub(6) Weiser(2) Wernicke(1) Weston(1) White(1) Whitehead(3) Winicour(3) Winicour (Married)(1) Wolf(5) Wolf ?(1) Wolfsdorf(2) Wolfson(1) Woloshin(1) Woloson(1) Woolson(1) Worms(2) Wright(1) Wyszterodny(2)
Yablonkov(1) Yaffe(2) Yaluns?(1) Yaniv(4) Yanovitan(1)
Zack(1) Zant(1) Zaragovia(4) Zeitlin(4) Zelichovski(1) Zer Zion(1) Zernone(1) ZerZion(1) Zer-Zion(3) Zilberberg(2) Zinkhan(5) Zion(1) Ziskin(1) Zlockover(1) Zohar(3)

Submitted bySarah L Meyer
Internet Page

Description The KARPMAN family, Levi'im from KARCZEW, near Warsaw and TARCZYN, district of Grojec Poland.Updated April 2003

PART 1: List of immigrants from Tarczyn to Israel
**NEW** People born in Tarczyn who died in the Warsaw Ghetto
PART 2: TARCZYN Business Directory 1925-1927
PART 3: Srul Karpman a survecu
PART 4: Family register - 8 generations / index of surnames in Karpman tree
Submitted byNathalie Wajzer Klein
Internet Page

Description Family History of the Kasnett's. It is under the BARK family history web site.
Included are the Shine's and Wolods, and Danenberg's.
Submitted byBenjamin J. Bark
Internet Page

Description The Kassemoff Family originated in the small town of Zarasai in North-East Lithuania which was founded ca.1506. In 1836 the town was temporarily named Novo-alexandrovsk in honour of the Russian Tsar Nicolas II's son Alexander. It is known that the Kassemoff family lived there until around the 1880s when they moved north into modern Latvia where most settled in the town of Resitza (now Rezekne) in South-East Latvia. It is also possible that many Kassemoffs moved to Daugavpils in South-East Latvia and/or Yurburg now Jurbarkas in South-West Lithuania. From there most of the Kassemoff family immigrated to the United Kingdom, USA and Israel by ca.1905 most likely due to the poor living conditions for Jews living within the Russian Empire and the Russian Revolution of 1905. Today much of the Kassemoff family are spread across the world with having adopted new surnames such as Cohen/Cowan, Conway and Scott.
Submitted bySamuel Shepard
Internet Page

Description Katin Family Tree
Submitted byCynthia Katin Wiggins
Internet Page

Description The KATZ family originated in Nadworna, Galicia (now Ukraine) and migrated to Viseul de Sus aka Oybervisheve and other towns in Maramarosh (now Romania) no later than 1850. Their journey may have taken them through Lvov. Families that the Katzes married into include: FOGEL (Poienile de sub Munte aka Polyen-Ruscova), INDIG (Sighet and possibly Birsana), LAX (Sighet), VIZEL / WIESEL (Polyen-Kobletsky), MUELLER (Khust).
Submitted byShlomo David Katz (7th generation)
Internet Page

Description Katz family from Ekaterinoslav and London: Isaac Katz, shirtmaker/draper, died in Hackney, London 1912. His father was Yehuda Leib Cohen
Submitted byJessica Feinstein
Internet Page

Description My Katz came from and/or lived in Bresnitz and Drahenitz, Bohemia around 1850.
Submitted byFred Zimmak
Internet Page

Description Descendants of Dora Levine (1st wife) and Abraham Jacob Katzoff (died in Whitesboro NY). Abel Katzew arrived Ellis Island 2/10/1907. Place of origin[Birsh] Russia. Children Eli Levine, Harry Katzer, Joseph Katzeff. Descendants of Bryna Flax (2nd wife) and Abraham Jacob Katzoff (died in Whitesboro NY). Country of origin Russia. Children surnamed Levine: Anne, Lena, Sara, Hyman, Meyer, Simon, Martin.

Surnames on this genealogy file include:
Bachenheimer, Binder, Bordet, Bordetsky, Brown, Cain, Caplan, Cohen, Dallesio, Dennis, Doe, Erwin, Feldman, Geller, Goldman, Gorfine, Gottesmann, Haskin, Kagan, Johnson, Kahan, Kaplan, Katzeff, Katzer, Katzev, Katzew, Katzoff, Kilston, Kriesman, Lafargue, Laxer, Levine, Liberman, Miller, Palmer, Payasnick, Paysnick, Perry, Pessin, Pham, Pichel, Pirkot, Puopolo, Rapport, Sedlis, Selig, Seligman, Sesnovich, Silverman, Skoletsky, Slatoff, Sneierson, Snow, Stein, Stern, Therrien, Tipton, Travis, Uretsky, Widisky, Wilson.
Submitted byDaniel Katzer
Internet Page

Description grandfather: Max Katzman, born in Poland (1899) emigrated to Uruguay, married Leah Stern (born 1908, transylvania)
Submitted byMordechai Katzman
Internet Page

Description Belorus -- Mozyr, Turov
Ukraine -- Ustingrad, Sokolivka, Pogrebishe, Uman
Moldova -- Kishinev
Submitted byGene Katzman
Internet Page

Description Pictures and information about Katzovitzs who originated in the Vileika area
(Krivichi). Today the area is in Belarus. Site in progress, please submit pictures and information.
Submitted byEilat Gordin Levitan
Internet Page

Description Minsk, Russia (now Belarus)
Submitted byFamilyxroads
Internet Page

Description Family tree of Kaufmann family originally from
Viernheim, Germany, ancestors and decendants.

Submitted byKarl J Kaufmann Jr
Internet Page

Description My ancestors and relativs were kliving in the russion gubernias Kurland and Livland.
Now I'm searching for all informations, documents and photos from following families:
the Keilmann/Kejleman ( Schlock,Riga, Libau, St. Petersburg ); the Kretschmann ( Mitau and Libau ); the
Mendelsohns ( Mitau, Riga and Buenos Aires ), the Hollender ( Mitau and Riga ); the Lissner-Hirschfeld ( Riga ), the
Kantorowitsch ( Vilnius, Slonim and Riga ); the Cohn ( Schlock and Riga ), the Ezechiels ( Schlock and Riga );
the Karpel ( Riga and St. Petersburg ); the Judel ( Schlock and Riga ); the Isakowitsch ( Friedrichstadt and Riga ); the
Hirsch ( Memel, Stallupönen, Riga and Rostock ); the Karaszewski ( Schönsee/Kreis Briesen, Danzig, Rostock ).
Submitted byRobert Dupuis
Internet Page keilmann family.html

Description Dutch family. Origin of Drenthe The Netherlands
Is a part of Family Trees of Dutch Jewish Families with more than 65.000 people.
Submitted byMax van Dam
Internet Page

Description Website includes the following families:
Auerbach, Bleicher, Carmel, Campbell, Kampol, Castleman, Coleman/Kalman, Diamand, Douarin, Emmons, Factor, Findling, Fletcher, Geier, Gincig, Goldstein, Goodman, Kempler, Klinger, Koretsky, Kotimsky, Lebowitz, Lustig, Morris, Painter, Pordes, Proch, Redner, Reingold, Koppel, Scheer, Schecter, Schwartz, Secor, Seeman, Shaprio/Shimshalievitch, Sherman, Sirota, Stockhamer, Surber, Tuchman, Vansise, Velsor/Van Velsor, Weitz
Submitted byDebby Painter
Internet Page

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